Just wait ’til you see these!! I was thrilled to take Francy’s senior photos, I remember the day she was born 🙂 🙂 and I grew up babysitting her and her sister. My influence on her is obviously great because she told me while we were shooting that she too loves Beyonce. As if I couldn’t love this kid more.
Francy has such a light inside of her, she’s funny and talkative and she was the SALUTATORIAN of her graduating class. Taking photos of her was a snap and the light really came out to play this day. Check out these beauties taken on Bull Creek in the Austin greenbelt.
Oh hai pretty light.
And okay, look at this amazing shot below!! I’m so in love with it. Thanks little, black bird for flying over at just the right moment.
Pretty beautiful, yes? All the best to you Francy, so proud of you!!
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