I cannot believe it has taken me this long to post this epic photo shoot I had with my beautiful and talented girlfriend and fellow photog Samantha Meister. Sam and I go way back…back to college where we were great friends and even roomies for a year. On my recent trip to Ohio for a long weekend she suggested we go all out and have an “artsy photo shoot.” I think I screamed “YES” before she even finished the sentence. I’m in love with all of the shots, here are some of my favorites. Oh yeah, and just assume the ones of her I took and the ones of me, she took
Also important to mention that it was frigidly cold this early December morning. My fingers and toes hated me halfway through.
Just in case you forgot, we were in O-H-I-O.
Hey look, an old barn from the 1800s, don’t mind if we do.
It was such an amazing morning. Sam, we have got to do this again soon!
Oh how that was soooo much fun! If you lived closer we’d be doing that all the time!!!